About Us

Our Company

TEN is an international leadership consultancy that helps organisations align their operating model, structure, culture, leaders, teams and people capabilities to execute their business plans and transform strategies into results.


William Montgomery is a leadership consultant with first class credentials. The former navigating officer of HMS Ark Royal and Head of Strategic Change at Lloyds TSB now heads up TEN where he has earned an enviable reputation as a powerful catalyst for performance, helping release potential to maximise profit through the creation of a success culture for start-up entrepreneurs to FTSE 100 companies.

Company News

Why you should buy your leadership training from us

You may have all the right intentions, but unless you design your leadership training programmes very carefully, they can potentially do more harm than good.  You want your leaders to learn, grow and perform. Leadership training may be one of... read more

Business leaders come together to find region’s happiest company

Business owners from across the South West have joined forces with a leadership and happiness expert to find the region’s number one ‘Happy Company’.  TEN has teamed up with Pure Comms and GBRS Recruitment to roll out a competition to... read more

Learn leadership onboard Queen Mary 2

An international leadership consultancy, headquartered in Bristol, is giving business people the chance to learn those all important leadership skills needed to run a successful business. The leadership consultancy, TEN, has partnered with Cunard’s... read more