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Leadership lessons from a navy veteran

Ever find yourself overwhelmed? Expectations and the deliverables attached to them are approaching. Your team is scrambling to unite and execute. The shifting shoals are closing in and you seemingly cannot navigate yourself out of this situation. You need to find a way.

Even in true chaos, when everything is at stake, you cannot call a timeout or appeal to logic and order. You need to stay with the objective at hand - hesitation and fear are the real enemies and you need a goal in the absence of a plan.

The definition of leadership in the Royal Navy is getting things done through people. So, in honour of Remembrance Sunday and Armistice Day on Monday, here are the high-quality leadership tactics I value from almost 30 years of service in the Royal Navy.

  1. Leaders welcome competing viewpoints. Diversity in the ranks strengthens the mission.
  2. Leaders create efficiency by demanding the bottom-line-up-front. Say what you mean or need up front, and make sure your teammates do, too.
  3. Leaders bring a mission-first mentality. Team first, you second.
  4. Leaders build up the people around them. Strong leadership builds strength on every front.
  5. Leaders find a way to get it done. Perfect is the enemy of done, and done is non-negotiable.

If I can be of any support to you and/or your team, do not hesitate to reach out by calling my office on +44 333 666 1010 or by clicking any of the social links below.

Looking for a speaker for your next event?
William Montgomery, our Founder and CEO, is available as a keynote speaker and event host. His experience as a speaker encompasses a wide number of audiences on a diverse array of subjects. He is also a volunteer for Speakers for Schools and Inspiring the Future.


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