Many employees downplay their differences from each other at work to avoid drawing unwanted attention or making others uncomfortable. If you help your team feel comfortable being themselves in the office, they can focus on work rather than on hiding parts of their identities.
Shift the language. When organisations talk about diversity, people tune out. Introduce the concept of covering, or hiding certain aspects of yourself, to not appear different. Most people have done it at some point in their careers. This opens up a new way to talk about differences.
Share your story. Most of us have had experiences related to covering, whether we faced it ourselves or witnessed it in someone close to us. Start the dialogue and let others know it’s okay to do the same.
- Force the conversation. Build genuine connections with your team, and speak up if they believe the corporate culture encourages covering.
The above leadership tip...
was sent in response to a question from a participant on our acclaimed 10/10 leadership development and mentoring programme. Whether you're a first time manager or an experienced leader, straightforward, practical advice on best practice is hard to find. Until now. To find out how you, your team or your organisation can benefit, please join us on our next complimentary webinar or contact us.
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