Leadership Tip

How to encourage diversity

All organisations are responsible for providing an inclusive, and equal working experience for all their employees, regardless of age, race, sex, religion, gender reassignment, disability, sexual orientation, marriage and civil partnership status, or pregnancy and maternity status. However, there’s no single tried-and-true method of increasing diversity in an organisation but having role models at the top it a good place to start.

1. Set an example. Intentionally populate your organisation with leaders who embody diversity, especially in the context of your industry. This way, others from diverse backgrounds will think, "If they can, I can too."

2. Try "double sponsorship." Consider having two people share the responsibility for each candidate’s development, company-wide. This increases the likelihood that talented employees of any background will feel supported and stay with the company.

3. Make it count. Don’t put in place someone who fits a certain desired category but lacks the skill set needed to do the job. Hire stars, but know that diverse constellations of those stars are far more effective.

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