Reading non-fiction books is one of the best ways to stay engaged with the newest thinking in your field. But how can you make time for reading if your schedule is already overloaded? Understand that you don’t need to read a non-fiction book cover to cover to learn from it - you can actually absorb just as much if you approach it in a different way.
Start with the author bio to get a sense of the person’s bias and perspective.
Read the title, the subtitle, the front flap, and the table of contents. What’s the big-picture argument?
Read the introduction and the conclusion word for word, but quickly. Then, skim each chapter.
End with the table of contents, to summarise the main points in your head.
When you’re actively engaging with the material in this way, your mind is more alert and able to retain a great deal of information.
The above leadership tip
was sent in response to a question from a participant on our acclaimed 10/10 leadership development and mentoring programme. Whether you're a first time manager or an experienced leader, straightforward, practical advice on best practice is hard to find. Until now. To find out how you, your team or your organisation can benefit, please join us on our next complimentary webinar or contact us.
How to thrive in these unprecedented times
As part of the government's current business support packages, we have been awarded funding to deliver our acclaimed 10/10 leadership development and mentoring programme "live and online" to help those now working from home. This 10-week cyclical programme, leading to the award of a certificate in leadership development, offers cutting-edge insights into change, resilience, wellbeing, motivation, teams, communication, strategy, influencing, effectiveness and self-awareness. READ MORE
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on leadership and management good practice, subscribe to a Minute with Montgomery on 10TV.
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William Montgomery, Founder and CEO of TEN, is in demand to speak at events and conferences and usually achieves the highest ratings and accolades. To make a speaking enquiry for your next event, whether online, in-house or in public, please CONTACT us.