If have you started a new job remotely in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, you may be feeling hesitant about the return of in-person working. How should you interact with colleagues you’ve only met by email? What time does everyone arrive and leave? A few rules new starters could follow, include:
Turning up 10 minutes early on your first day and committing to it every day thereafter. Prepare ahead of time, pay attention to your surroundings and other people and do your best to remember names.
Indulging your curiosity, even if it means asking that “silly” question once in a while. Research has shown that new employees perform better when they ask more questions.
Stand up and speak up when something isn’t right. Sometimes that’s speaking up for ourselves, but more often than not, it’s standing up for others and what is right. Colleagues appreciate honesty above all other values.
- Being observant of the company culture, and thereby figuring out where you fit into it. Believing in yourself is key to succeeding in a new job.
The above leadership tip...
was sent in response to a question from a participant on our acclaimed 10/10 leadership development and mentoring programme. Whether you're a first time manager or an experienced leader, straightforward, practical advice on best practice is hard to find. Until now. To find out how you, your team or your organisation can benefit, please join us on our next complimentary webinar or contact us.
How to thrive in these unprecedented times...
As part of the government's current business support packages, we have been awarded funding to deliver our acclaimed 10/10 leadership development and mentoring programme "live and online" to help those now working from home. This 10-week cyclical programme, leading to the award of a certificate in leadership development, offers cutting-edge insights into change, resilience, wellbeing, motivation, teams, communication, strategy, influencing, effectiveness and self-awareness. READ MORE
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on leadership and management good practice, subscribe to a Minute with Montgomery on 10TV.