Leadership Resources

Leadership Tip

How to achieve quality revenue

An uncompromising focus on growth can take companies in the wrong direction. Take office-sharing company WeWork. Once valued in 2019 at $47 billion it filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy on Monday. Once lauded as the "fastest-growing company ever," it... read more

Leadership Tip

How to voice your complaint

For any organisation to thrive, employees need to be able to question how things are done and express dissent. But no one wants to hear grievances. If you have an opinion to share, do it carefully: 1. Choose your audience. Your boss may not be able... read more

Leadership Tip

How to strengthen your confidence

We all have times when we lack confidence and do not feel good about ourselves. Confidence is not something you either have or you do not have. It is a dynamic emotion that, like a physical muscle, needs exercise to grow stronger. Here are... read more

Leadership Tip

How to get a pay rise

Think you deserve a bigger paycheck? Want to ask for a raise but not sure you’ll get one? Plenty of employees are finding themselves in this predicament, because many recession-wary companies that stopped handing out raises during the economic downturn... read more

Leadership Tip

How to face failure

When you start a company, launch a new product, or take on a new job, you, of course, hope to succeed. But that's not always the case. Next time you face failure, here's how to make the most of it: 1. Acknowledge sadness. It's disappointing when... read more

Leadership Article

10 ways to get the most out of leadership coaching

While coaching is a highly effective way of accelerating your development as a leader, it also represents a significant investment of time and money. Here are 10 ways to get the most out of your leadership coaching experience.  Talk about... read more

Leadership Tip

How to make the most of your down time

It's hard to carve out time to relax in a 24/7 world. But just as it's healthy to focus at work - ignoring social media and personal email - you must occasionally leave work behind. If we can learn how to tap into what our body and mind truly needs... read more

Leadership Tip

How to build a better online network

Most leaders understand how to use online tools to build and expand their networks. It's easy to reach out to industry contacts and colleagues through LinkedIn and Twitter. But building a useful online network requires focus on three things: reputation,... read more

Leadership Tip

How to write clearly

Readers and audiences treasure concise writing. Concise sentences and paragraphs grip your reader’s attention and help them focus on your main point. More concise writing will also help you, the writer, organise your ideas and streamline your overall... read more

Leadership Tip

How to develop your virtual team

Instilling team self-confidence in the traditional workplace is difficult enough, but the process is even tougher in a virtual environment. But even if your group is scattered across the globe, you can ensure they trust each other by doing the following... read more